Hawk & Handsaw Farm
Middleton, RI
Website: hawkandhandsawfarm.com
Instagram: hawk_and_handsaw_farm
Email: info@hawkandhandsawfarm.com
Aquidneck Island, RI
Hawk & Handsaw Farm is a small market farm business run by Kidder & Horus. We are a Queer owned Farm based out of Aquidneck Island, RI. Aquidneck is an island intersecting at traditional Narragansett and Wampanoag peoples lands.
Our farm offers wholesale veg/herb sales and individual/family Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) memberships (vegetable share boxes).
We specialize in vegetable crops, culinary/medicinal herbs, edible flowers, specialty culinary crops, as well as fiber and natural dye crops.
Our mission is to bring delicious nutrient rich food crops and medicinal plants to our community with positive impact on our environment, people and place, with emphasis on creating a safe space for LGBTQ+ humans.
To fulfill our mission:
We offer sliding scale pricing or payment plans to make our CSA Shares more accessible. Visit our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) webpage for more details. Access to quality local food is a right not a privilege.
We work with dedicated chefs that highlight seasonal local produce on their menus.
Since 2020 we have held a wholesale account with the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center to bring quality vegetables to underserved locals through their “Produce to the People” program.
We support farm and health educational opportunities through classes / workshops at our farm locations. Stay tuned for events we put on ourselves or coordinate with other teachers in our area.
Our Farming Practices:
We are dedicated to sustainable regenerative farming practices to contribute to carbon sequestration. We cultivate our crops using no-till methods while following organic practices and beyond. We focus on soil building and creating a closed loop farm system through seed saving and the use of on site or local amendment materials and compost.
We have based our farming business out of Island Community Farm in Middletown, RI since 2018 and in April of 2022 we moved onto our new farm location in Portsmouth, RI. This new location will serve as farm headquarters and its 7 acres of open field will offer us the ability to expand what we do.
Island Community Farm is located on an 8 acre parcel that was conserved by the Aquidneck Land Trust. Established in 2012 this community farm incubates small farm businesses and hosts nearly 40 community gardener allotments. Island Community Farm is operated through the non-profit called Aquidneck Community Table and, through the ongoing support of many, this farm space continues to grow.