Amy DuFault Fiber + Dye Consulting
Cape Cod, MA
Instagram: @amytropolis
Amy DuFault is a seasoned sustainable fashion journalist and communications pro who has been writing, advocating, and celebrating designers, fiber and dye farmers, non-profits, for-profits and companies with heart for the past 20 years. She recently left Botanical Colors, the leading natural dye supplier in the U.S., after 11 years and has in-depth knowledge of the natural dye landscape from farming to running a business. With a long-time writing focus on environmental and ethical conditions in manufacturing, her knowledge of the people and places involved in the textile industry internationally is vast. Amy currently consults on regenerative textile and dye systems for farmers, designers, scientists, artists, filmmakers and more. She does all this while also being a passionate advocate for Cape Cod’s water as a Communications Consultant for MASSTC, a space for technologists to do cutting edge work in wastewater.
As Co-Founder and Director of the Southeastern New England Fibershed, Amy currently works to connect farmer to processor and designer to production, connecting the dots of the supply chain to recreate and reinvigorate a once-thriving New England textile industry. She is also focused on waste wool and co-ran a national waste wool working group with the Fibershed HQ for the past 2 years. Having recently received a grant to fund a Northeast pilot study around waste wool and scouring, Amy and Southeastern New England Fibershed co-organizer Amanda Cholakis are continuing to push for answers to better access to scouring wool and creating new products from wool benefiting not only the textile industry but also the building and gardening.
Words that describe Amy would be future-facing, problem-solving, inspiring, a walking Rolodex of sustainable fashion and the person you want in your corner when things get tough.
If you’re looking for help with:
Strategy + Mapping
Website content + SEO
Marketing Content
Social Media Management
Get in touch at
Check out Amy’s tool kit co-written with consultant Sarah Kelley on how Fibersheds and Brands can work together! Go here.