Fresh Cercle

Lexington, MA


Instagram: @freshcercle

Threads: @freshcercle

Facebook: Fresh Cercle

LinkedIn: Mary Ann Stewart

Mary Ann Stewart is a print and fiber artist, zero-waste small-batch natural dyer, and fiber systems advocate empowering style-savvy nature lovers to make and mend. Sewing, knitting, and baking weren’t just hobbies for me – they were threads woven into the tapestry of my Italian-Irish-Armenian heritage. As I worked through various designs and ideas for stitching clothing and artwork, I was also sharing an embedded philosophy passed down from my maternal forbears who taught me the value of treasuring and being responsible for all we have.

Inspired by generations of resourceful women who cherished, mended, and passed down, rather than discarded, I found my artistic voice advocating for mindful fashion through printmaking and fiber art and it was through this creative endeavor that I found a new voice to champion the cause that had initially driven me toward a political career. Many of the creations became powerful tools to spark conversations about textile waste, slow fashion, and responsible and regenerative principles for living and business, inspiring others to consider the impact of their choices – a gentle reminder that our actions have consequences and that conscious decisions, especially in fashion, can make a difference.


Join Center Goods, Fresh Cercle, and LexZeroWaste for Mend In Public Day, on Saturday, April 20, 11 AM to 3:00 PM in Lexington MA, when we’ll be stitching in protest against so-called “disposable/fast fashion”.

In a world inundated with fashion waste, you’ll be part of a global creative action resisting the cycle of excess through repair and reuse by mending your clothes with us.

Find us repairing torn pockets, holes, ripped seams, and replacing buttons, while sparking conversations on how we all can make a difference by wearing our clothes more than we do now, donating what no longer interests us to wear or use, and textile recycling of our worn out items.

Prepare your mending pile (or other stitching crafts!), and join us at Center Goods, 30 Waltham Street, Lexington. All skill levels are welcome!